In a nutshell, this is what every conservative — including you, dear reader — needs to do ASAP:
1. Contact your county Republican Party Committee, find out when and where it or your local district Party Committee meets (terminology varies from state to state), and attend the meeting.
2. Introduce yourself. Be friendly, polite, and low key. The current officers may be wary of outsiders. Ask if a vacant precinct committeeman position exists for your precinct and volunteer to be appointed to fill it. If no vacancy currently exists (extremely unlikely), volunteer to be a “helper” for the existing precinct committeemen.
3. Ask for a copy of the precinct committeeman handbook of your state party committee and study it and learn how to run for precinct committeeman in the next election for these positions.
A graphic explaining the power of 3 tenths of one per cent of 74 million united & organized MAGA America Firsters.
Precinct committeemen are today’s political Minutemen. Can you at least give this a try? I guarantee you’ll find the experience very interesting and rewarding and you’ll meet a lot of interesting Republicans. And take along with you every conservative you know. Precinct committeemen are the “elite” of the political parties – parties do not exist without them and fewer than one in one hundred political party members can be a voting member of the party. (Please scroll down for several short videos explaining more about the Strategy.)
The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy, outlined below, entails a tried-and-true, peaceful, Constitutional, ballot box solution to our present political predicament. The procedures and system for this solution have been in existence for decades. Obama used them.
Do Not Waste Your Time.
This Strategy will require you to attend a Republican Party monthly meeting where you live and spend a few hours before the primary and general election either walking your precinct or making Get Out The Vote (“GOTV”) phone calls on behalf of a candidate. If you can’t commit to a few hours a year to save your liberties, don’t read on, as this Strategy is not for you. If the future of your country is worth a few hours a month outside your comfort zone, then please read on. (If you’d rather watch a video explaining the strategy, click on the video below — about 20 minutes total. If that’s too long, a 6 minute video appears below it. Below those two videos are a couple of older videos that also explain the Precinct Committeeman Strategy.)
Here is the Precinct Committeeman Strategy explained in less than seven minutes: